a blog for keepers of the faith

Wisdom Cries Out
Wisdom Cries Out in the Street
The Holy Spirit is Speaking to the Churches When you see these things begin to happen,  this generation will not pass away until all things are fulfilled.   Keep your lamps trimmed with enough oil to last into the night.  God gave Noah 100 years to build the Ark.  We are given...
The Edge of night
Work while it is yet called day… For the night is coming when no man can work. The rise of the smartphone has done considerable damage to the social fabric. With all its capabilities, it has created a hypnotic effect on the masses, leading to unprecedented reality distraction.  To a lesser degree,...
Old metal keys on vintage book
Regain what is lost
if you believe it, walk it. We are being mesmerized by the most influential device ever created. Reality is being veiled from our very eyes. We are blinded by a river of media that has disconnected us from the truth and, even worse, our posterity. If you have hope for your children’s future, I...
Let there be light
All that God had created was in the deep, as he moved upon the face of it. The seven day creation reveals everything.
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