a blog for keepers of the faith

Noah's Ark
the escape from destruction
ARK- sanctuary · place of shelter · refuge · accommodation · housing · home · place of safety · haven · safe haven · sanctum · safe house · harbor · port in a storm Everyone is aware of the biblical flood that covered the earth.  There were only 8 humans that survived,  Noah, his three sons, and each...
do you love yourself?
This may seem to be an irrelevant question, but it is essential to the God given walk. In fact, all of the law and the prophets are linked to the understanding of this question.  You see, we are indirectly commanded to love ourselves.  “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.”  In order...
Family together
erosion of values
An unseen enemy History is being re-painted in the current news cycle, and it has a very short memory.  Those of us old enough to remember and know better are not even the target.  The younger generation is impressionable and gullible to this subtle new indoctrination.  The change over time is imperceptible...
War In Heaven
war in heaven
https://thy-kingdom-come.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/War-In-Heaven.mp3 the reason for the war Isaiah 14  How you have fallen from heaven, O day star son of the dawn! You have been cut down to the ground, O destroyer of nations. You said in your heart:  “I will ascend to the heavens;...