An unseen enemy
History is being re-painted in the current news cycle, and it has a very short memory. Those of us old enough to remember and know better are not even the target. The younger generation is impressionable and gullible to this subtle new indoctrination. The change over time is imperceptible to the young. While we as elders complain about the obvious misrepresentation, our children are unknowingly accepting it as normal. The agenda is geared to take an entire generation to fully implement. The slow wearing down of dissenters will be by attrition not conversion. Our children are our legacy. To leave them to an artificial custodian is the height of irresponsibility.
Knowing these things what, are we to do. I submit that those who preserve traditional beliefs, handed down from the elders and instilled in the children are not having the same issues. Those few not tied to the media.
Those who would change the world have set their sights on our children. While they have us preoccupied with sexual predation they are, on a wholesale basis, destroying the belief system of our fathers and stealing the fabric of our lives. The destruction of traditional values upon us, and all we are doing is complaining about the obvious.
Are you going to hand your children over to this artificial world or will you circle the wagons? Get over your stigma about religion and get your family involved in a local church and start a Circle your Wagons movement in your own community. Defend what is yours. “A man who does not provide for his family is worse than an unbeliever. 1 Timothy 5:8.” That includes protection from soul stealers. The Spirit of God will supply all you need to withstand the persecution and give you instructions on how to combat the darkness that is stealing our children. It only takes a spark to get a fire going.