Regain what is lost

if you believe it, walk it.

We are being mesmerized by the most influential device ever created. Reality is being veiled from our very eyes. We are blinded by a river of media that has disconnected us from the truth and, even worse, our posterity. If you have hope for your children’s future, I challenge you to define your beliefs and why.

Our values are slowly being erased as we become indoctrinated into a homogenized and artificial humanity. We are being annihilated by a lost generation, accepting every shiny new thing In the name of progress. The average person goes with the flow, unable to see what is happening and what is at stake. I speak to the higher ground. To the grandparents who have the vista to realize what is afoot.

Important values have been forgotten, and every day slips by us, leaving a new layer of disinformation. We are awash with a blitz of obfuscating propaganda, and it is erasing our heritage. This insidious artificial manifestation is replacing the heritage that our elders still remember. We can and must rise against this maleficence. Teach the truth about what we believe and what has gone wrong.

As in our heritage, the gold has not been washed away, only buried from sight. We must begin to pan for it if we are to remain free. Our heritage contains the guidance we need to escape the event horizon of the approaching artificial God. We are the last generation that can remember what has been lost. The value is within us.

Freedom is not a ticket to a theme park. It is a place not locked behind bars. We can and must embrace and teach the values of our forefathers. The days when the law was written in our hearts when we knew the difference between right and wrong. That came when the fathers defended the family with conviction.

If this introduction has stirred your conscience, you will find a roadmap to regaining what we have lost. I’m not selling technology. I’m equipping everyday people with instructions on recovering our heritage. Fill the atmosphere with the truth and pass it forward for generations. Our heritage is worth defending and preserving. Our past, present, and future have been purchased with blood. If the people of God will turn around and seek his face, we will gain an ally who cannot be defeated.

One of the most valuable ideas in this concept is placing you in a position to be directly proactive with your protege. Stop focusing on the enemy and focus on your core beliefs, what you believe, and why you believe it. That will revitalize your attitude, confidence, and effectiveness on the things that matter. Engage in the philosophy of why you are on this earth and the difference you can make. Put the spotlight on ideas that are good to know and resonate with others.

Dust off the things you learned from your grandfather and teach them to your children. Become a beacon for the lost ships at sea. Do your part to restore the family values that are forgotten. It matters for everyone. Above all, ask God for wisdom.