Work while it is yet called day... For the night is coming when no man can work.
The rise of the smartphone has done considerable damage to the social fabric. With all its capabilities, it has created a hypnotic effect on the masses, leading to unprecedented reality distraction. To a lesser degree, the same thing can be said of the TV and its impact on the baby boomers, the so-called TV babies. It would appear that we survived, but in reality, we have graduated and are preconditioned into the internet age. The influence of technology has always enamored the young, who have no historical perspective. Adults see things through a broader scope with a contrast of experience to soften the shaping of new impressions. Still, every generation has a more skewed perspective with the loss of historical insight.
The social media generation will mature, and as their social networks dissipate, they will realize what matters most for longevity. Style and fashion will always give way to requirements. We need the ability to replenish those requirements. The troubling aspect of technology is that it constantly seeks to remain preeminent in the minds of the youth. Breakthroughs are mesmerizing and distracting.
Tradition is being sold short for anything new and innovative. We are reinventing the wheel to insure the economy. Everything becomes expendable when not profitable. We need to prepare for the consequences of collapse. We have not created a sustainable existence for future generations. We are facing the reality that tradition is essential to longevity. The safety net needs to be updated. We revel in a false sense of invincibility. We are one trigger away from annihilating our reality and the ensuing destitution. What must we know if that happens? Today, we know only the questions to ask of an artificial being named Google. We remember very little. We have the tools at our fingertips to gather and refine the wealth of knowledge within our grasp.
Technology has moved from under our feet into our hands and now seeks to infiltrate the physical body with embedded technology. Penetrating human perception with visor goggles creates a virtual world for total immersion into an artificial illusionary reality. This is now evident with the advent of the biochip. With human and machine connectivity, corneal transplants will create visualization of the digital apostasy without external devices. The acceptance of this hybridization is being introduced by the indoctrination of questioning gender and the transgender adoption that will lead to a willingness to adopt implants of another worldly order.
Blind ambition has created a paradoxical world that now demands solutions to the problems created by our own hands. We are attempting to outrun the consequences of our past actions in the name of economy and progress. This has the effect of a harmful compound interest on our final disposition.
We must teach the separation of technology between master and tool. If we do not, we will succumb to the enslavement of the work of our hands. This is evident throughout history, known as idolatry, the misplacement of Godship in our works, which is the sin unto death. The advent of the robot has already seduced us into the acceptance of a human counterpart. Given the current trajectory, that counterpart will seek to become a grafted partner of humanity with inherited rights. That is a repeat of history as God’s creation rebelled against him. How much more vulnerable are we with what we create in our image?
I do not advocate the adoption of technology wherever it leads. I am a proponent of the effective use of tools and resources that we can subdue. Remember, I am prepared to embrace the tools at our disposal while rigorously defending human sovereignty. It is shameful that it is even a subject for discussion, but here we are.
We will have to use technology to combat the onslaught of technology. Fight fire with fire. The smartphone is in everyone’s hands. It is an excellent way to keep in touch with others, but as demonstrated in this writing, it can be used for more than that. Rather than being sold a newer version, we need to master the capabilities that they already have. Even the cheapest smartphones have a built-in camera and can transcribe voice-to-text and record audio. These capabilities make the smartphone the most sophisticated and ubiquitous data-collection device, short of human witness. We are all witnessing an unprecedented effort to undermine the collective sovereignty of humankind. We depend on the broadcasting media giants to inform us of the truth. We can collect unfiltered truth, record it for posterity, and share it with like-minded people. What we need is a repository to classify and organize content. The smartphone is the tool of choice to capture the moment. We need to be observant and make a quick method to remember the things we witness.
As long as there are laws to protect us, we must be ready to prove our case. Evidence is the click of a button; we need that mindset.
Not all uses of the smartphone need to be esoteric. As we become disciplined in a capture-the-moment mindset, we will find that much of what we observe has other tangible value. The idea is to rethink the purpose of the smartphone as your assistant in record keeping.
The technology around us is a platform to fend off the encroachment of more extravagant features. Those features are aimed at intersecting with our physical bodies. The embryos of that agenda are the fingerprint, retina scans, and facial recognition. How are we to resist? There is more power in the written word than in any other form of impression.
I find myself in a paradoxical world where I am an unwilling participant. I am forced daily to put my hands on the plow, overturning my beliefs. What can a man do that stands on the deck of the Titanic except give up his seat to those he loves? We are called to stand on our faith. We must entrust our hope to those who survive us. It is not our to carry the torch to the finish line but to pass it along. If we do not stand firm in our beliefs, how will those we precede stay on the path?
The paradox I speak of is the utilization of this technology that is the broad road to destruction. I do not endorse these tools except for their intrinsic value to pass the written word to those who survive me. I sincerely hope to equip as many as possible with the power to observe and effectively write to persuade the naïve regarding their course and how to correct it. Learn to use the tools I am advocating and, in so doing, provide for yourself as needed.
Having established my motive, please remember these truths as I now begin to advocate and instruct on the effective use of these tools while on this deck we stand.
cloud Computing

Were it not for cloud technology, which includes the entire internet, the smart device would never have existed, and Local area networks would still be the standard. Today, the cell phone tower and the Wi-Fi router are essential for smartphone and mobile computing. The push for 5G increases the reach and bandwidth of the cell phone tower, making everyone on Earth subject to dominion. There is already a blatant disregard for the effect of 5G on human physiology. We are being bombarded with radio waves from a multitude of sources. As a side note, will it ever be known if the initial effects of 5G were so untested that they simultaneously resulted in the sudden deaths of so many?
With that out of the way, the cloud is no more than computer servers somewhere connected to the internet. Distance has been overcome; the goal is to get everyone on board. That will either be wireless 5G or wired integration of the internet with the electrical power grid. Massive data centers have been constructed to hold unlimited capacity in anticipation of the Internet of Things (IoT).
We have adopted such a way of life as an alternative to the natural. Many have found the answer is an escape hatch. The Gamer can become so immersed in visual stimulation and interaction that all the issues I am describing are ignored in exchange for endorphins. Many adults grew up as technology babies and have turned to virtual reality to blow off steam. For some, it has become an addiction.
The existing allure of motion graphics and sound will continue to be distracting. We must begin to use the same technology differently. You do not have to subscribe to the agenda to use the tools.
The ideas presented here heighten awareness that we must stop being distracted for pleasure. Let me introduce you to a reality you can define and incorporate into your lifestyle while fully engaging in an authentic experience. I am talking about your private and personal network, which you are the center of, and I do not mean social media. I am talking about mining for truth and being immersed in the study of the relevant. Begin to build your knowledge base. It can be public or private; you get to decide. Whatever you choose, I highly recommend that your network be fully backed up to protect you from unforeseen localized disasters and the prying eyes of censors. Using the cloud to back up your private cloud is best practice, but you must keep a second backup.
Your network becomes the center point of your productivity. You can share your content with anyone you desire, with imposed restrictions, like read-only or not being able to download it, etc. You set up connections from your phones and computers to the same account containing all your content. Then, when you add, edit, or delete, all your devices are rapidly synchronized. Once you begin to develop your content, you can decide to share it on social media if you choose to do so. Please put it on a website and use links to promote your message.
I am not reinventing the wheel. I am redeploying the same infrastructure businesses use to run organizations. Most people have never investigated these possibilities because they couldn’t see the need or thought it was beyond them. I am showing you how to use what you have to begin this process. I will continue to provide instructional guidance to further your involvement in the relevant.

The local network has been extended to the internet, and TCPIP is now the backbone of digital communications between digital devices worldwide. DARPA, The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, invented the network protocol we know as TCPIP, Total Control Protocol / Internet Protocol. It was developed as a military advantage. This protocol given to the public is now used as a standard to direct worldwide web traffic to and from your digital device.
Worldwide adoption presented a problem when there were insufficient addresses in the protocol format to meet global demand. This forced an expansion of the scheme to reach the world. To briefly explain, an IP address has four segments. Some of us aware of this will recall seeing something like on your router. Each piece has a maximum value of 256. like or 2564. That scheme only provides 4,294,967,296 (billions) of possible addresses. Not nearly enough for the World Wide Web. The new system is in place with much more on the agenda.
The latest published advancement is IPv6, which addresses the shortfall. IPv6 is based on 128-bit addressing and can support 340 undecillion addresses, which is 340 trillion to the 3rd power. Having more addresses has grown in importance with the expansion of smart devices and connectivity. IPv6 provides more than enough globally unique IP addresses for every networked device currently on the planet, helping ensure providers can keep pace with the expected proliferation of IP-based devices.
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machine address code (mac)

Every digital device connected to the IoT also has a Machine Address Code (MAC) address. This address has six segments represented as pairs, like 00:00:00:00:00:00. Each zero can have a value of (0-9 or A-F) for a base 16; This means that each pair has a maximum possible combination of 16×16 or 256. In this scheme, you have 2566 or 281,474,976,710,656 (trillions) of possible addresses. The idea is that every device will have a globally unique ID assigned to it, with plenty of room for every person, and you can find it with an app. This is not as many as IPv6 can potentially support, but like most things, the scope has become the known universe.
Consider the Voice Over IP phone set on your desk to make this all relevant. It is reachable by an ordinary phone number. However, that phone number is linked to the MAC address of that device, not the IP address. Therefore, you can move that phone to any location online, and it will still ring. So, MAC or IPv6 addresses can have aliases, like phone numbers, facial recognition, QR codes, retina scans, fingerprints, credit cards, street addresses, license plates, etc. You get the idea.
The Department of Defense has created another protocol that will soon become a global standard. It involves assured identity. Any internet transaction with the Department of Defense must be verified on both ends with a retinal scan proving identity. This, like TCPIP, will be adopted as a military-grade standard to fortify commerce.
the biochip

Today, the average computer can only process zeros and ones in a binary system. Even so, the only things that a computer can do is add, subtract, multiply, divide, and compare. That is changing. With the advent of the biochip, there is now an ability to manipulate the sequence of amino acids and greatly exceed the binary system. There are 20 known amino acids. Using 16 of them would fit nicely into the hexadecimal computer science framework. This expansion of the word bit is likened to data compression in data transmission. Using a seamless hexadecimal exchange without converting to binary will be astonishing.
Indeed, there is nothing that man cannot do when he sets his mind to it. It took great imagination to get to where we are today with digital content and presentation. You begin to understand why speed is so vital in today’s computers. Today, computer power is the ability to arrange and store information to repeat a task on command or schedule. We enjoy watching movies, recalling information by searching for keywords, editing information with updates, and communicating across language boundaries with ease of translation. Knowledge is increasing beyond human memory and passed on to future generations, no longer bound by print, and can be altered without leaving any evidence. All we need to know is the question to ask. Our sovereignty is the price we have paid for such power. Our trust is no longer relevant as we have become subservient to a homogenized system. Man has created a system that can reason. It has no conscience or soul but mimics everything it has learned from the collective human experience.
We have delegated our thinking to the handlers of digital reasoning. In conclusion, only a few now wield power to assimilate all the amassed digital knowledge. The merging of man and machine is in the framework.
the merging of man and machine› science › elon-musks-neuralink-gets-us-fda-approval-humanclinical-study
May 26, 2023 -Elon Musk’s NeuraLink received U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) clearance for its first-in-human clinical trial, a critical milestone for the brain-implant startup as it faces U.S. probes over its handling of animal experiments. The experiment is said to implant Bluetooth-enabled devices in the skulls of 5 people to create telepathy. These devices are connected directly to the dendrites of brain cells, reading the brain’s impulses as thought. This technology will ultimately be how a human being can interface with the cloud and know everything known to man. It will no longer be artificial but rather a cocktail of unlimited knowledge mixed with the vices of the human heart. Blind and fallen ambition is attempting to become like God. That is not speculation.
the mark of the beast

A MAC is likely already assigned to you, even if you do not use it directly. It is your number and identifies you as information is collected every time you engage with the system. The potential restriction on freedom this represents is deafening. This is how every man, woman, and child can and will be identified and recorded in every detail.
Shortly, no one can buy or sell without belonging to this global system. Some will opt for an implant, but it will not be necessary. Linked to your retinal scan, in your forehead, or the fingerprint of your right hand, you already have a unique link to a MAC address that makes you a part of the system. It becomes the master key of your identity. The following is the existing construction and usage of the MAC address today.
Six sets of digits, 12 in number, make up the MAC
Six on the left represents geography or vendor
Six on the right represents the individual entity.
Here is wisdom: the mark of the beast is the number of man and the number of his name, meaning every specific individual in the collective. Receiving does not necessarily imply implant. It may be just accepting it and adopting it.
We know this in advance for a reason. There is time to decide how to avoid joining this insidious fraternity. A lack of attention quelled the headline above regarding the merging of man and machine. People are so tired of new technology that this goes without surprise or concern but instead apathy. Global crypto is in place. Your MAC will also be your bank account.
Soon, it will be followed by a world government that will become the throne of this world. A rollout of devices that take a minimum of either a retinal scan or a fingerprint to conduct business will occur. This has already begun. It will take time for all of this to reach critical mass. It will be a low-keyed bottom-up implementation. During that time, those with the right mindset can navigate the same infrastructure in stealth. No one knows the timeline as to how long this may take. Because of this, I do not advocate going up on some mountain and waiting for all to collapse, though that day may arrive without notice.
Therefore, let us earnestly work toward a sustainable existence while preserving the sovereignty and freedom of the human being created in the image of our God. In the famous words of Patrick Henry…”Give me liberty or give me death.” But then, in the words of Charles Dickens, as Ebenezer Scrooge in The Christmas Carol. “Before I draw nearer to that stone to which you point,” said Scrooge, “answer me one question. Are these the shadows of the things that Will be, or are they shadows of things that May be only?”
I offer you hope—the last verse of the Old Testament, Malachi 4:5-6. “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful Day of the Lord. And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers. Otherwise, I will come and strike the land with a curse.”…
The key takeaway from this prophecy is that we can forestall the Great and Dreadful Day of the Lord by listening to Elijah, the prophet, and returning to the ways of the family and the righteous tradition of living according to the law and shunning evil.
The elements of trust and faith are your keys to longevity. What, then, are we to do with technology? God told Adam to subdue the earth and everything in it. I intend to harness every tool at my disposal. I will not allow the device to become my master. Maintain the sovereignty of man on the earth as God intended. It is through a man’s freedom that his mettle is tested, and that is why we are here. No one’s worth is tested when they are bound in chains.
The true American Patriot is a champion of freedom and adheres to the rule of law that protects against the overlords of this world that would dominate the masses through enslavement. Let us continue to pursue the freedom we are given, keeping the sky visible to behold the greatness of God. So Be It…
Taking this position, I will use everything I have learned in my 50 years of technical practice to equip the non-technical with the power to engage in a technological world through the written word. I speak to those frustrated with the inability to deliver the message that burns with their passion. The written word, which is your testimony, will survive.
12 And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne. And there were open books, one of them was the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their deeds, as recorded in the books. 13 The sea gave up its dead, and Death and Hades gave up their dead, and each one was judged according to his deeds. 14 Then Death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death— the lake of fire. 15 And if anyone was found whose name was not written in the Book of Life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.…