The Holy Spirit is Speaking to the Churches

When you see these things begin to happen, this generation will not pass away until all things are fulfilled.
Keep your lamps trimmed with enough oil to last into the night. God gave Noah 100 years to build the Ark. We are given Grace to heed the warnings in the signs of the times. In our case, it is to circle the wagons in defense against an adversary that is against God, his children, and all that he stands for.
This is more than another opinion about end times. It is a guide book about the certainty of it. Knowing these things to be true, what manner of men ought we to be?
Let us use the tools at our fingertips and prevent the embedding of technology into our minds. Let the hearts of the Fathers return to the Sons and the hearts of the Sons to the Fathers.
What God has joined together let nothing put asunder.
The generations of today are becoming increasing dependent on technology. Our questions are now answered instantly and artificially. The idea of study is becoming a lost discipline, and we are losing our seasoned experts. Our values are degenerating invisibly across generational divisions. Technology is making an elder’s perspective obsolete. As Dad and Grandpa become irrelevant we are in immediate jeopardy. Our ability to survive a catastrophe requires the traditional values we are losing. One way or the other, by success or failure, artificial intelligence will eventually bring about catastrophe to humanity. Wisdom is being substituted with an utter dependence on a chess board of knowledge. That can only lead to an incarceration of humanity as we cast decisions onto the work of our hands. Already, many legislative decisions are based on insurance actuary data. We are being corralled into a micro managed system, no longer free to do as we please. There is good reason not to depend on normal. Business as usual is being handed over to a very few controlling interests. Today we are on the precipice of half a dozen paradigm shifts affecting our future.
Artificial Intelligence. The programmed biased response in the query of total human experience.
Quantum Computing. Hundreds of millions of times faster than conventional computers.
Digital currency. All US currency will exist within the Federal Reserve computers.
Spatial Computing. AI-driven video chips fueling NASDAQ.
Brain implants. Tesla phone connecting Sky Link to Blue tooth neural transmitters.
Government Failure. The abandonment of American citizenship
This is nothing short of a tidal wave that can and likely will alter normalcy beyond recognition. The fact that only a few are in control of these paradigms means that we can easily fall into the hands of an adversary with overwhelming control. We have reached an all-hands-on-deck moment. Free men must abstain from this totalitarian overreach. Most will agree that these truths are evident. There are many who are sounding the alarm. The difference here is an answer to the call of “what can we do about it?
The following sections of this book contain the technical steps that, if taken, will make a difference in the outcome. This is an attempt to cause like-minded people to think about these issues collaboratively and make plans accordingly. While there is no way to directly confront this oppression, there is a way to prepare and defend against it to fight another day.
To be blunt, how important is your job if you lose your country and your family? How important is your wealth accumulation if it is turned into a digital currency that can be revoked for out-of-compliance reasons? We posses the collective resolve to change things. Very recently, out of sight from the news, the farmers of the European Union, on their tractors, shut down the economy and caused the leaders of the EU to meet all of their demands and retract their taxation oppression. It is time for Americans to think in those terms. Having a following on X is not enough to gain mobilization. We need community, grass roots, know your neighbor technology, right now. The interconnection of many small groups is the right direction.
Questions addressing cultural survival.
- Do you have first hand relationships that you trust completely?
- Do you have ideas that pertain to crisis management yet are unable to reach your audience?
- Do you have a communications method that is hardened against prying eyes?
- Are you prepared to call all hands if chaos threatens your safety?
- Do you have the slightest idea of how to achieve these goals?
“Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events and weak minds discuss people” Socrates
These questions are meant to stir your conscience into action. The following is a proven concept to engage you in a group process as it relates to the sharing of effort and knowledge. We need to adopt a different way of thinking. We need to build relationships that form neighborhoods and communities on a personal level. We need to find out who lives on the other side of the property fence. We need a forum platform where we can reach out for immediate response or share ideas about how to defend against a common enemy. I am speaking about tools at our fingertips that we have owned for years. Rather than using them for the building of relationships, we tend to focus on self interests in myopic isolation.
There exists today, as we speak, a ubiquitous platform that we can all adopt to rebuild the heritage of community apart from the degrading influence of the media. This technology is not an answer to our dilemma but rather a lifeboat that is both easy and cheap. It begins with a common device used by virtually everyone, the smartphone. It will support the early adoption of a new ideas. Even if you begin alone, this suggestion will provide an increased capacity to handle a greater volume of activity producing both more organized and completed results. You can begin to offload the numerous details of everyday activity onto your computers while managing those details with immediate fingertip access. All digital devices, phones, computers, and tablets for years have been connected to the internet providing one-to-one communications. Now, with cloud computing, these same devices enable community and family repositories of information and value retention. This platform has created a whole new set of capabilities in software development. While several technical giants are entering this space, I have placed my bet on one that has the greatest market share, standing above the others with the easiest reach for the best chance of success. The illustration presented below shows how this cloud platform can be at the fingertips of the vast majority with the use of tools that are likely in your possession.
“You can ignore reality, but you cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality” Ayn Rand
The dichotomy of good and evil divides us into one side or the other. They are mutually exclusive. There is no compromise. There is no little white lie. There is no abstaining. The war is about all things being brought under the authority of the creator of all things, Jesus Christ. He is the one by whom and for whom all things were made. Those who are found in Christ belong and are a part of his body forever. Those who are not are like the chaff the wind drives away from the harvest. It is our lot to determine where we stand. Jesus summarizes two positions. “He who is not for me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters.”
Most choose to use financial gain as the measure of their good standing. But it is the prayer of a humble, righteous believer that reaches the Throne of God. “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” The simple truth is each of us will either accept or reject God’s reconciling forgiveness that he purchased with his blood.
For now, we are enamored with our lives, always seeking to improve our position and live another day. We daily trade his promises for the work of our own hands. “Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.”, the only thing that is required of us is to believe. What causes us to fight against this truth? It is because evil is at the door, seeking to dethrone the goodness of God and steal his creation. Let all begin to see with eyes of the heart. We may know a little about eternity and what to believe, but knowing these things to be true, what manner of men ought we to be? “There is a way that seems right unto man, but the end is death”.
This nation was founded on the bedrock of righteousness and faith in God. The truth of God is embedded in our citizenship. That is likely why America is under siege. We receive his promises through obedience to his Word. It is through obedience to the law that we remain free. We find ourselves in dire need of the promises of God in this generation. “You, O LORD, will keep us; You will forever guard us against this generation. The wicked wander freely, and vileness is exalted among men.” If we put off the consequences of our actions until we stand before God, we forego his promises and inherit his judgment. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us.”
This book is a signal to those who believe in the founding principles of this nation. “Seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.” We are at war with an adversary that is an enemy of God and determined to dismantle our freedom in Christ. There is no blueprint for the replacement. We stand on the precipice of a foreign dictatorship that has no conscience, and our liberty will be trampled under that rule. “We fight not against flesh and blood, but against powers and principalities in high places.”
I call your attention to the last verse in the Old Testament. “I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and terrible day of the Lord. And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the sons and the sons to the fathers. And if they do not, I will strike the land with a curse.” This is a resounding declaration of the things that are important to God. This is family and tradition. This is how fathers do what is right in the eyes of their sons. This is defending good and prosecuting evil. This is when fathers call out to God for wisdom and guidance. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your understanding but in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your path.” Our nation is entwined with the promises of God. It is our lot to believe him. To trust and obey.
I am calling on the like-minded to hear what the Spirit is saying to the Churches. We are faced with the dilemma of not knowing what to do or how to behave. We are fully occupied with our hands on the plow, meeting our personal needs. There is little time or energy to prepare with an organized participation. At a grassroots level, the individuals among us will make a difference in our culture. I am calling for the men of the church in America to stand up for what is right in the eyes of their Sons, leading the next generation into a sustainable future. We must reject the consumer classification and, in its place, become producers of our well-being.
“Study to show yourself approved unto God; a workman that needs not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth.” These pages are a guide to the use of an effective tool that is ideal for study and self-expression. “Be ye in the world but not of the world.”
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